Free Consult
I offer a complimentary phone call or virtual chat so you can get to know me, the services I provide, and ask any questions you may have. Once you sign my service agreement and the doula fee is paid, you are my client and I'm part of your birth team!

We meet for 2 prenatal visits (1.5- 2.5 hrs each) where you, your birth partner, and I get together to discuss your birth plan preferences*, questions regarding the childbirth process, and feelings either of you may be experiencing now or are concerned about for labor and birth. We will practice physical comfort measures and emotional support techniques. We talk about how your partner and I will work as a team to support you (my knowledge of birth beautifully complements your partner’s knowledge of you!). We will review logistics, and also help you prepare for postpartum life. These prenatal meetings are a perfect way for us to get to know each other, feel comfortable together, and build a relationship of trust so that you both feel safe and at ease when it’s time for me to join you in labor.
*After our first prenatal meeting I will type up your birth plan into a google document for you to edit as you wish.
We will maintain contact by phone and email during your pregnancy (and perhaps go on a walk or hike if you're up for it!). I am on call 24/7 starting 2 weeks before your due date.
I provide uninterrupted attendance at your labor (starting whenever you would like me to join you), birth, and immediate postpartum (typically 1-2 hours in the hospital, or 4-5 hours at home). I will give you continuous physical support and advice about comfort measures, including (but not limited to!) breathing and relaxation techniques, water therapy, movement, positioning, massage, and counterpressure. As labor progresses some birthing people have a difficult time speaking (you may be out in the cosmos which is a great thing!). I take cues from your body language.
I will help you create the ambiance you desire to feel safe, calm, and comfortable. I will actively listen to any concerns you may have and will respond accordingly, whether that means we try something new for the next contraction, that we notify care providers, or that I continue to provide you with reassurance, comfort, or help in normalizing the physical and emotional intensity you are feeling. I will consistently encourage you and praise you for the beautiful work your mind and body are doing to birth your baby.
I will come to your home for 1 postpartum visit (1-1.5hrs) to check in on life postpartum and to debrief your birth. Some folks want me to visit just days after their birth, and others prefer to wait a couple of weeks, whatever feels best to you is what we will do. I will listen to your thoughts and feelings about your birth, and answer any questions you may have. At this time I will transfer any photos or videos I may have on my phone to yours, and will give you your birth log (based on the notes I took during your labor and birth). We will discuss how postpartum life is going and also chat about any resources that could be of help to you.
Meet My Backups

Anne Delp